Sunday, January 09, 2005

I'm not even sure how to begin this entry. I just spent 10 days in the most amazing country with 40 of the most amazing people I've ever met in my life. I fell head over heels in love with the country, the people and yes, a boy. (you may now roll your eyes). The fact is that 10 days, 20 hours a day with someone feels like the beginning of a wonderful lifetime. And as he said to me last night "don't be sad, this is the beginning of something really amazing."

Now why would I be sad you're probably asking. Well, he lives in North Carolina and I, well, don't. At least not yet. Which I suppose brings me to my entry...Is it acceptable to move to be with someone that you are crazy about?

Before I met this boy I used to think it was totally unacceptable to change your life in order to be with someone. But as I get a little older I realize that life is all about compromises. That being said, he hasn't asked me to uproot my life, he in fact said he was thinking about coming here to be with me. I was just thinking that this change might even be good for me. I've kinda been itching to get out of New York anyway. I know I'm such a New Yorker and moving to Asheville, NC would be a big step but maybe it's a good one. If he decides to come here I will welcome him to my fair city with open arms. I will take him out to meet all my crazy friends, I will NEVER let him read this blog...I might even stop writing it....please don't kill me.

There are obstacles to the whole life altering move. What about my job? I really do like it despite some of the less than enthusiastic things I've said about it these past few days. I like having a job. I don't know how many opportunities there are for evil marketing geniusing in Asheville. I'll have to check out The only job I see in Asheville that I could actually do is be a singer/songwriter. Not sure that's a viable option. But it might be a good choice. Any ideas? Maybe I could be a writer?

So are you all pissed at me? I go off to Israel, fall in love and get super boring. Next thing you know I'm going to be barefoot and pregnant raising sheep on a farm.


Anonymous said...

Or at least barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen.

At least he's one of the tribe, though this is a bit disappointing.

Good luck...

Not Into You said...

I'm not quite off the market yet. Are you still going to try to woo me?

Anonymous said...

There's more than one Anonymous poster and the above isn't the one that's trying to "woo" you. I am.

Good to hear you still available.

Personally, I think N.C. is a bad idea.


Not Into You said...

Wow how special do I feel?

Anonymous said...

You are special. Don't let anybody tell you any different.

Did you get my e-mail?


Not Into You said...

I did get your email but I'm not sure what to respond...