Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Last night, while the Lawyer and I were lying in bed (fully clothed, not kissing, hardly even touching) he said something to me that almost, almost makes me want to keep dating. He said "When I first met you I was about to give up on dating for a while. But then I thought to myself 'if there are girls like this out there in the world, I suppose it's still worth my time...'"

I know it sounds stranged but I really touched. Not that he and I are any great romance. Quite the opposite actually. We are like an old married couple. We've never had sex, nor will we ever I suppose and that's just fine with me. We don't even really make out anymore. I literally went over there, watched some TV and then we went to bed. It was weird. I don't know why I even went. I HATE sleeping at his place. He has two, TWO cats and I am way allergic to them. I woke up this morning feeling much like death had hit me hard with a baseball bat. I also had no toothbrush (apparently, two months is just about when you give up on someone ever sleeping over again and you throw away their extra toothbrush) and I was wearing a thong. Ladies, back me up, a thong is just no fun to sleep in what so ever. Anyway so as I was doing yet another walk of shame (is it a walk of shame when you don't actually get laid, or even really kissed for that matter?) in the dark. I couldn't believe how fucking dark it is at 6am. I was so tired, feeling ill from the cats, feeling dissapointed about not getting any nookie and it hit me. This fucking sucks! Dating sucks! It's miserable and cold and rainy like the weather was this morning.

Man that's depressing...didn't you guys like me a lot better when I was talking about threesomes? Anyway so I think the Lawyer is over. He's too much of a game player and not in a good way at all. He sends me text messages that say "Do you miss me?" after not speaking to each other in weeks. It's dumb, and he's gotta go.

So some of you might know that I am off to Israel in a few days. Don't worry, I will be safe. I'm really excited about it because it'll be a good chance for me to unwind and connect with a few good friends. It'll also be a great opportunity for me to Jew it up in the motherland. I'll let you know if I meet any nice Jewish boys on my trip.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 1000 hits!

Anonymous said...

Interesting posts. So how does one get to date you?

Anonymous said...

I'm serious. You sound hot.

Not Into You said...

Hmmmm, how does one get to date me? That's an excellent question. I think I must be woo'd